
27 March 2013

Day-to-Day Cleaning Schedule {Free Printable}

Hello, my name is Kim and I am a cleaning schedule addict!  I love looking through Pinterest and the variety of daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning arrangements.

I finally came across one I could possibly use at a blog called Made by Marquette.  Her cleaning schedule was nice and concise, easy to figure out if you were on "outsider" to the household, and it was simple.

So, I wrote down chore descriptions for many other blogs, some of Made by Marqutte's ideas, and added some of my own.  Then, I shortened the list, so it could fit on one sheet.  Here are the actual chores that I figured out would work best for our home each day.  I have also included a PDF of the 'working' document.  If you would like it in Word to add your chores, then email me!

Let me know how your cleaning schedule is going for you!

{Linking to:}

bedroom/linen closet:
  *launder sheets & towels
  *org. nightstand/dresser
  *dust (incl. ceiling fan)
  *dirty laundry in hamper
  *clean sheets on beds
  *put clean towels away
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe (this one is for my hubby & son because their toilet is disgusting!  Do I have an AMEN???) :)
*empty dishwasher (morning)
*load dishwasher  (evening)
*wipe table, sink,counters & island
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

  *clean bathroom(s):counter; sink;  
   toilet;floor; mirror; tub/shwr.
*tidy bed(s)
*empty dishwasher (am)
*load dishwasher (pm)
*wipe table, sink,counters & island
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

*laundry: adults’ & kiddo’s
*tidy bed(s)
*empty dishwasher (morning)
*load dishwasher  (evening)
*wipe table, sink,counters & island
*clean kitty litter
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

  *sweep & mop floor
  *clean out refrigerator
  *take freezer inventory
  *dust: blinds, pot rack,etc
*tidy bed(s)
*empty dishwasher (am)
*load dishwasher (pm)
*wipe table,sink, counters & island
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

Living room & kiddo’s room:
  *dust (blinds & ceiling fan)
  *Sweep or vacuum floor  
   (and under couch)
  *pick up toys, shoes
*tidy bed(s)
*empty dishwasher (am)
*load dishwasher (pm)
*wipe down kitchen table, 
 sink, counters & island
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

clip dogs’ & cats' nails
wash rugs
plan menu
*tidy bed(s)
*empty dishwasher (am)
*load dishwasher (pm)
*wipe down kitchen table, 
 sink, counters & island
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

  *dirty laundry in hamper
  *clean out car
  *take out garbage
  *market OR Costco?
*tidy bed(s)
*empty dishwasher (am)
*load dishwasher (pm)
*wipe down kitchen table, 
 sink, counters & island
*wipe toilet w/ Clorox wipe
*pick up things in livingroom
*take out item(s) for meal

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