
03 July 2013

Introducing the Summertime Pantry Challenge 2013

Jessica over at LifeasMOM (her day-to-day life as a mom of 6 kiddos) has another blog called Good Cheap Eats.   There, she is facilitating a challenge for the summer.  It called the Summertime Pantry Challenge 2013.

The challenge pretty much consists of NOT buying groceries like you normally would, but focusing on what you already have in the pantry.  Jessica is only doing a 2 week Pantry Challenge this time around--she usually does a month.  So, I figured it was a better time than ever to go along for the ride!!  Is anyone with me?  It starts on July 7th (Sunday) and ends on July 20th (Saturday).  Seems doable, right?

So, the first order of duty is to make goals for yourself during this challenge.  I am in the process of doing those right now, so look out for another post shortly!!

Thanks much for stopping by...

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