
06 August 2013

Addicted to Clean Mama

Hello!  My name is Kim, and I am a Clean Mama addict.

I LOVE, love, LOVE this blog; and, I am admitting here today that, yes, I am addicted to it!   I love Becky's posts, I love her FREE printables, and I love her Etsy shop full of printables!!   In fact, I just made my first 'purchase' today of a few of her printables.  I have also used many, many of Clean Mama's free printables.  In fact, I will show you what my favorites are:

I don't know why I am so in awe of all of these bloggers and their printables, especially Clean Mama's.  I guess I secretly yearn to be the perfect housewife, mother, etc., that these blogs portray of their authors.  But, I know," everybody's human"!  These bloggers cannot be all that perfect.  Nope, they can't, but they sure paint that picture--which inspires me to follow suit!  Anyways, I print their printables, and try to use them to the best of my abilities.  I just have to keep at it for more than one week!! :)  They are so cute and colorful--it really catches the eye. 

I'll let you know how Clean Mama's printables I purchased worked out for me.  What are your favorite printables?

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