
14 January 2014

Sacramento: 'Rock-and-Roar' Monster Jam {January 17~19}

Monster Jam is one of the most popular touring sporting events in the world.  And, our family gets to experience it first hand!  We cannot wait!  Since I am a 'research before you go' kinda gal, I found all of this information about Monster Jam and the Monster Trucks that perform at this event!

Monster Truck Facts:

  • Height – Approximately 12’ 
  • Width – Approximately 12’
  • Length – Approximately 20’
  • Weight – 10,000 lbs.
  • Tire Size – 66” X 43” on a 25” Tall Wheel (That's about how tall I am

At Monster Jam here in Sacramento, we'll be seeing:

Grave Digger


Bounty Hunter

Iron Outlaw


Captain USA 


Double Trouble.  

These world popular monster trucks will be performing some spectacular stunts!!

I remember seeing Grave Digger (competing for 30+ years) a long time ago and now I get to take my son to go see it!  How cool is that?

Another cool thing about Monster Jam in Sacramento is that fans can get down to Sleep Train Arena early both Saturday (1/18) and Sunday (1/19) to enjoy "Party in the Pits" pre-show to see the trucks up close and to meet the drivers.  Yeah!!

For more information and updates, go to

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I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows.  Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% my own.

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