Fun Facts About My Hubby and Me!!

So, I am continuing my research about all things blogging.  I ran into this cute "get to know me" factaire (a fact questionnaire) and though that this might help to get to know me a bit better.  Comment if you have any questions!! :)

Fun Facts About My Hubby & Me
(Idea stolen from Bre's Blog)

Did you go to the same school?
Not at all.  Though we went to high schools in the same great metro area, we met through a totally different avenue:!!
Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
We went to Jamaica for out honeymoon.  We have also traveled to Colorado and Minnesota together.  I would love to take him and my son to my birthplace, Guam USA.
Who has the worst temper?
I certainly do.  The hubsters has this motto he lives by "Choose your battles!"  I hate that saying because I am a confrontational person!  But, needless to say, he has rubbed off on me after 10 years together and I have learned to do the same... :)
Who does the cooking?
I do most of the cooking; he does ALL of the barbequing!!
Who is more social?
I am the social butterfly.  Ha ha...  We definitely compliment each others' personalities when it comes to being social,
Who is the neat freak?
Neither of us.  I am a Virgo, so I am organized.  But, luckily, not to a freakish level!
Who hogs the bed?
Our dog, Audie!! :)  All jokes aside, we have a King bed and there is enough room for the both of us to be comfortable.
Who wakes up earlier?
On work days, the hubby wakes up at 4am.  On off days, I am the one who wakes up the earliest: dogs and a ready-to-go 4-year old do not help with this either! :)
Where was your first date?
This terrific restaurant called Bandera.  Then, we went to see Scream 2 or 3 (I can't remember).
How long did it take you to get serious?
 After 2 weeks, I knew!  (And, I think he did, too.)
Who eats more?
The hubsters eats more because he is a big guy (6+ inches taller than me).  He needs that food otherwise he is a cranky dude...
Who does laundry?
Me = mine, Me = our son's, Him = his own

Well, I guess that's that.  If I can find or think of any more get to know me questions, I will post them.

How about you?  Re-post this with your own answers, and leave the link in the comments section.  I would love to hear your stories!! 


Blogger Map

So, I am having a ton of fun looking at others' blogs to get ideas for my own blog and to link up with some pretty neat people.  During my blog-search (blog research), I ran into this Blogger Map.  It is a really interesting concept: (from the blog) "Join your other favorite bloggers on this map! As you plan travels, or want to arrange local meetups, you'll know who to contact. You might meet some new local faces and be able to reconnect with old when you find yourself away from home." So, check it out!!

I'm Back: New and with a Thank You!!

I have definitely been out of the blogging loop for several months.  I keep saying that I will blog more often, post more, etc.  Well, I decided that I am going to do just that (again!)... 

With that said, I decided to change the purpose of my blog just a bit.  I am a mom to one, a makeup lover/hoarder, a DIYer, a dog person (2 yellow labs, of course), among much more.  So, I am going to blog about a little bit of everything now. 

Also, I am addicted to Pinterest.  So, I plan to post entries of "What I finished on Pinterest".  I hope you like that series.  I think I will be doing that once a week.  Completing the things I pin on Pinterest is so fun!  It makes me feel accomplished (at least for that week)...

Last, I want to say a HUGE thank you to Tiffany over at Blabbering Thoughts for including me in a Beauty Box exchange.  I am sad to say that I thought there was something "strange" going on; but, you have to understand that this was my first swap and I read so many negative happenings about other swaps.  I guess I should have not volunteered to swap if I felt that way.  But, in hindsight, I am glad I did because I received  a MAGNIFICENT "End of Summer" box from Nicole over at Nicole's Revolution.  Nicole, thank you so much for sending me such a wonderful and fun box of beauty stuff!!  I love all of them!!

Look at these pictures:

Here are the items that were in this amazing box...
*a purple, cheetah print nail file
*a deluxe sample of Benefit's High Beam (I have ALWAYS wanted to try this!!) :)
*a deluxe sample of Benefit's Stay Don't Stray
*Sephora Nail Polish in Drama Velvet Pearl (a gorgeous orange color)
*Sephora Crystal Gloss in Golden Embrace
*a Freeman Goji Berry Facial Hydration Mask
*AND, a Tokidoki Vegas Arte Palette that has 4 eyeshadows and 1 blush!!!!!!!!!!!  WOW!!!!!!!!

Okay!  Isn't this a fabulous gift?  Again, I am so sorry that I thought this swap was some kind of ruse.  I feel so guilty...  But, I hope I have redeemed myself through this entry and to the gal I sent my swap box to, Marissa.  Go to Blabbering Thoughts to see the boxes that the other participants received. :)

Again, Marissa and Tiffany, thank you for your patience and understanding...
