
04 July 2013

Summertime Pantry Challenge 2013: PLAN MEALS

This part of the Challenge has been the most difficult so far.  You just feel overwhelmed by the idea of trying to plan meals with only the things that you have in your house.

Then, I just started to sort out our recipes based on how close the ingredients matched to what I had on hand.  I laminated empty pieces of paper so I can use them with dry erase markers to switch out meals each week.  These items are attached to the Menu Board I recently made:

{I'll post a tutorial on our board soon! (sMiLe)}

So, here is how I sorted the meals that fit in this Challenge:

1st Round--Exact matches on recipes to what is in our pantry/freezer.

2nd Round--Good matches on recipes and pantry items, meaning that there are 1 or 2 ingredients that I would have to purchase.

3rd Round--Decent matches.  These were last to get added into our meal plan choices.  So, they will be used towards the end of the month.

Seeing the names of the meals in front of you on the strips of paper and knowing how the recipes fit in with what you currently have is so much easier that not having any semblance of organization...

How do you meal plan?  Inquiring minds want to know...


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