
04 July 2013

Summertime Pantry Challenge 2013: INVENTORY

This part of the Challenge was not actually that difficult for me.  Just a bit time consuming.  Like others taking this Challenge, I cannot believe all of the hidden "frozen leftovers" that I found and cannot use.  I need a more manageable way of keeping an idea of what is going into our 2 freezers, etc....  I am on a mission to try to figure that out during this Challenge. 

Take Inventory:
I inventoried our inside fridge and freezer and pantry.  I also took an inventory of our outside freezer, our outside refrigerator, and the non-perishables that we store outside.  Here is the printable that I used; I found it at Mom on a Mission.   

The first page says Freezer Inventory, the second does not have a header.  So, I used the first page for both freezers/fridges and the second page for pantry items.  I found that to be the easiest and most organized way to see what we have...

Will you be doing an inventory?  Let me know in the comments below!


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