
15 August 2013

BIG Party Pack Giveaway!!

Hi friends!!  It is time for another fabulous giveaway!!  I have teamed up with 7 other bloggers for a Party Pack Giveaway brought to you by our friend Wendi at Party Pixie!! 

Take a look at all these cool bloggers I'm joining with:

So, what are the prizes, you ask??  Let me tell ya!  Party Pixie is giving away a Custom Invitation and 3 matching printables!!  Way cool...  Wait!  That's not all!!  That same winner will also get a $100 gift card to a store of their choice!!
See below for the Rafflecopter on how to enter.
The giveaway ends on August 21st at 11:30 PM MST,
and the winner will be announced On August 22nd.
Good Luck!

   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by, 

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