
12 August 2013

One Artsy Mama's Growing Together Blogging Course: Halfway Completed

I had mentioned joining a blogging course in a post a few weeks ago.  I was so excited to start the course because I hadn't been to "school" in 10+ years and I love learning in a classroom-ish type environment.  I know you're thinking, "That girl is craz-ay!"  So far, I have enjoyed what I have been reading, doing, learning; and, one of the best things about the course is that I have enjoyed making new friends with other bloggers.  The connections I have made have been blog-changing...

We have gone through several topics during the last 7+ weeks.  My favorite ones have been 'Branding Your Blog' and 'Blog Design and Organization'.  These parts of the course have helped me to finally figure out how to make my own {grab button} and not let it look like H-E-double hockey sticks!! :)  Thanks so much, Amy...  And, it taught me about how the look and organization of a blog can make it or break it.

At the beginning of the course, we were prompted to make goals for ourselves regarding our blogs.  Here are some things that I came up with:
  1. Do guest posts
    Create a blog schedule & stick to it
    Button swaps
  2. Start a Postpartum Depression (PPD) Series
    Possibly start a city area parent-kid series
  3. Merge social media with blog, so I can actually "do" everything at once
Well, I have realized that none of us can do everything all at once--whether it be walking, chewing gum, and talking on the phone OR posting on your blog, Facebook page, Pinterest, and Twitter!!  Darn, I am not Super Duper Blogging Mom; I am just Super Blogging Mom!! :)

I still have plans to do a series on Postpartum Depression, as I suffered with it for over a year after my 5 year old son was born.  No mama should ever think she is alone in that illness!  We can (and will) get better...

I also have some plans in the making for guest posts on other blogs, and guest hosting link parties and such.  I cannot wait to do those!! :)

Looking back on the past few weeks, I think the biggest thing I have learned is to be yourself, let your readers know the 'real' you, and to be a person they can connect with.  How true is that??  Just reading my favorite blogs each week shows me that being yourself is definitely what it's all about.

If you're a fledgling blogger like me or a fairly well established blogger like One Artsy Mama, this course is definitely a help!

We only have a few more weeks to go, and I am totally looking forward to the Social Media parts of the course.  I still haven't learned how to use the Twitter thing-a-ma-jig!!

Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Love this post! So fun to meet so many fun new bloggers.

  2. I completely agree about being yourself! It's hard (for me at least) because it's a lot easier to post about impersonal things for fear of negative feedback, but it's the personal posts on other blogs that I really relate to. Sounds like a great class. Good luck with your goals! Great to "meet" you :)

    -Emily @

  3. I love One Artsy Mama, and love hearing that her course is so helpful. I have so much to learn in this blogging adventure, but that is one of the best parts, you get to keep growing and learning. Twitter is easy! :)

  4. Hello
    I'm visiting from the hop. I'm your newest Bloglovin and GFC follower. Your blog is great. Hope you will come visit me also.
    Angel @

  5. You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest Bloglovin follower from the “Meet & Greet“ blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:
    PS – I would also like to invite you to a networking blog hop that lasts 1 month long: “The Chain Linky CLIMB” currently live on my blog– Thank you! Chain Linky CLIMB
