
18 September 2013

30 Days of Lists: Days 1 ~ 7

I LOVE making lists!!  The 30 Days of lists project that I'm doing this month is fun, but difficult!!  For Real!!  One of the questions this week was Rules to Break.  I am not a rule breaker, so this one made me think.  I loved that I had to go deep down to pull out things on this subject.  I am still thinking about things to write for this day; but, that's the beauty of these lists: you can go back and add, if you want. :)

Anyways, here are my lists for the first week:

Day 1:  What's new so far this Year?

Day 2: Projects I'm Currently Working On

Day 3: Things Younger Me Would Like About Current Me

Day 4: Favorite Time Wasters

Day 5: Things I Tend to Worry About

Day 6: Rules to Break

Day 7: Today I Saw...

I'll be doing another post soon about the second week of lists!!  :)

Thanks for stopping by...

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