
01 September 2013

30 Days of Lists: September 2013

I found out about this totally cool, very simple journaling project called 30 Days of Lists.   Kam of Campfire Chic and Amy of Lemon and Raspberry concocted up this whole thing, and I think they are pretty genius!!

Some 'listers' go all out designing their journals with mixed media art, drawing, colors, etc.  But, the great thing about this challenge is that you can participate in any way you wish: online, using Evernote, in a spiral notebook, on your Smart Phone...  I love it!!  You get prompts every day from Amy & Cam to help with what to journal {like: Things you are good at... AND: In my bag, etc.}  Or, you can download the whole month of September 2013 prompts to jump ahead of the game!!

Here is my notebook {before + after}...

Registration includes access to the private blog and the opportunity to be part of a growing community of supportive, creative women. Plus you’ll get exclusive tutorials or downloads and exclusive discounts from their partners. Including Jess at Plucky's Second Thought.  She's the one that introduced me to this idea!! 

It isn't too late to start!  Here is what registration includes:

Once you register you will receive an automatically downloadable file giving you access to the private blog for September 2013’s 30 Days of Lists, as well as exclusive discounts from the sponsors and ambassadors. 

The #30Lists challenge blog is open immediately (and will remain available for at least a year).
Starting September 1st:
  • 1 new list topic will be posted each morning
  • exclusive tutorials
  • additional giveaways
  • list topics hosted by some of our sponsors
  • ‘your take’ posts high-lighting the lists all of you are making
Upon logging in, you’ll have immediate access to:
  • private Facebook Group just for September #30Lists participants
  • printable download with ALL of September’s list topics (for those of you who want the topics ahead of time)

That's it!  Then, you just have to write~as little or as much as you'd like!!  Tell me if you have joined up or will be joining me on this adventure!  I'd love to go on it with you!!

Thanks for stopping...

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