
16 August 2013

Puppy Themed Boy's Birthday Party!!

When I asked my son what kind of party he wanted for his 5th Birthday, he said Chuck E. Cheese's.  I told him that was fine; but, asked him what 'theme' he wanted.  And he said he wanted a dog party.  Actually, it was kind of cute because he said it like this, "Mommy, I want a dawg pawty."  So, he got a puppy themed party at our local Chuck E. Cheese's...

Everything I made for the party was found either on Pinterest or somewhere through searching the Internet.   {Have I told you I was addicted to Pinterest??? :)}

We had a dog bowl cake and dog bone shaped sugar cookies that my crafty sister-in-law made.
(Go check out her Facebook page.  She specializes in beautiful sugar art, especially sugar skulls!!)

I made a banner with my son's name on it.   (See the dog bone shaped cookies under the banner...)  I printed the 5" circle banner from Sarah Hope Designs via Catch My Party.  Then, I cut them out and pasted them onto green scrapbook paper, punched two holes at the top with a hole punch and strung some cute ribbon through it.

There was a Puppy Adoption Station where the kiddos picked out a stuffed dog (from the Dollar Tree) and gave it a name.  I typed 'Adopt a Puppy Here' in Microsoft Word and changed the font and the colors.  I then printed it out and pasted it onto a piece of scrapbook paper, and added a little washi tape to the corners.  The Certificate of Adoption free printable can be found at Chickabug.

We also had Doggie Bags as the favor bags.  I used a mix of these cute dog print bags that I got off of Listia, and red paper cub bags that I got from the Dollar Tree.  I also gave small gifts to the siblings of my son's friends--there were only 3 or 4.  I put those in small brown paper treat bags. We just included the typical Dollar Tree trinkets (crayons, coloring books, etc.) as favors.  The Doggie Bags sign was made the same way the adoption sign was.

One more thing that I almost forgot was the kids' 'Dog Tags'.  They each got a necklace with their name on it on red craft paper that I Sizzix'd to look like a dog tag.  Not difficult at all.  I even think there are paper punches at your local craft store that are actually shaped like a tag...  {Sorry for the blurred faces of the kids.  I didn't want to chance it, and I wasn't able to contact all of their parents.  So, I just blurred them out.}  My little one, however, is in the middle!! :)

That's it for the puppy party!  We had a wonderful time and there were many compliments by the employees and other parents at Chuck E. Cheese's.  So, that made me feel all fuzzy inside!!

Check out these other super rad bloggers with some way cool party ideas!!  They are the ones I'm joining forces together with for the great Party Pack giveaway...

Events To Celebrate: 3 Birthday Party Invitation Ideas - Free Printables
Create & Babble: Party Decorations Round-up
Simplistically Sassy: Party Favor Ideas
Party Pixie: Party Planning Timeline and Stress Free Tips
Painless Meals: Party Planning on a Budget
Cupcake Diaries: Cupcake Shake Shooters
Lady Makes It: Allergy Friendly Party Ideas
Solace Amid the Chaos: Puppy Themed Birthday Party
You've Got Your Hands Full: 5 Party Themes for Twins

Also, here is the information on how to enter our big giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for stopping by and good luck, if you enter!!

15 August 2013

BIG Party Pack Giveaway!!

Hi friends!!  It is time for another fabulous giveaway!!  I have teamed up with 7 other bloggers for a Party Pack Giveaway brought to you by our friend Wendi at Party Pixie!! 

Take a look at all these cool bloggers I'm joining with:

So, what are the prizes, you ask??  Let me tell ya!  Party Pixie is giving away a Custom Invitation and 3 matching printables!!  Way cool...  Wait!  That's not all!!  That same winner will also get a $100 gift card to a store of their choice!!
See below for the Rafflecopter on how to enter.
The giveaway ends on August 21st at 11:30 PM MST,
and the winner will be announced On August 22nd.
Good Luck!

   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by, 

12 August 2013

One Artsy Mama's Growing Together Blogging Course: Halfway Completed

I had mentioned joining a blogging course in a post a few weeks ago.  I was so excited to start the course because I hadn't been to "school" in 10+ years and I love learning in a classroom-ish type environment.  I know you're thinking, "That girl is craz-ay!"  So far, I have enjoyed what I have been reading, doing, learning; and, one of the best things about the course is that I have enjoyed making new friends with other bloggers.  The connections I have made have been blog-changing...

We have gone through several topics during the last 7+ weeks.  My favorite ones have been 'Branding Your Blog' and 'Blog Design and Organization'.  These parts of the course have helped me to finally figure out how to make my own {grab button} and not let it look like H-E-double hockey sticks!! :)  Thanks so much, Amy...  And, it taught me about how the look and organization of a blog can make it or break it.

At the beginning of the course, we were prompted to make goals for ourselves regarding our blogs.  Here are some things that I came up with:
  1. Do guest posts
    Create a blog schedule & stick to it
    Button swaps
  2. Start a Postpartum Depression (PPD) Series
    Possibly start a city area parent-kid series
  3. Merge social media with blog, so I can actually "do" everything at once
Well, I have realized that none of us can do everything all at once--whether it be walking, chewing gum, and talking on the phone OR posting on your blog, Facebook page, Pinterest, and Twitter!!  Darn, I am not Super Duper Blogging Mom; I am just Super Blogging Mom!! :)

I still have plans to do a series on Postpartum Depression, as I suffered with it for over a year after my 5 year old son was born.  No mama should ever think she is alone in that illness!  We can (and will) get better...

I also have some plans in the making for guest posts on other blogs, and guest hosting link parties and such.  I cannot wait to do those!! :)

Looking back on the past few weeks, I think the biggest thing I have learned is to be yourself, let your readers know the 'real' you, and to be a person they can connect with.  How true is that??  Just reading my favorite blogs each week shows me that being yourself is definitely what it's all about.

If you're a fledgling blogger like me or a fairly well established blogger like One Artsy Mama, this course is definitely a help!

We only have a few more weeks to go, and I am totally looking forward to the Social Media parts of the course.  I still haven't learned how to use the Twitter thing-a-ma-jig!!

Thanks for stopping by...

09 August 2013

{OVER} Giveaway - It's The Benson Street blog's 1st Bday!!

Hey Friends,  The Benson Street is celebrating its 1st Blog Birthday! I am so excited to share in a celebration with lots of great prizes! This is huge!!! The grand prize is a $225 gift card to Amazon! This would be perfect for back to school shopping or even to shave for Christmas! The First Prize is a $35 Ribbon Retreat gift card. If you haven't check them out they have the best selection of ribbon and fabric. Lots of cute stuff and it is all online. For the second prize is frames from Cut It Out. Along with these sponsors there are a ton of AMAZING bloggers participating. Check them out for real. You will love them I'm sure! Let's Get to know them. The Benson Street Birthday Giveaway
You can find all the fabulous bloggers here! Stop by and give them a little love and don't forget to enter to win these super awesome prizes!
Enter to win here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

06 August 2013

Aden + Anais Swaddling Blanket

If anyone is looking for the cute swaddle blankets used on Prince George when he made his debut to the world, I have found a place that has a good price and has these blankets in stock!

These swaddle blankets are from a company called Aden + Anais (pronounced either an-ay-ees OR Ana-iss).

I used these swaddle blankets when my son was an infant (5+ years ago).  I loved them!  They are so versatile, soft, comfortable & not itchy, and cute on top of all that!   We used them to swaddle, as a car seat cover/shade, as a tummy blanket, etc.  They lasted a long time, and never seem to wear when washed.  I think it's definitely a good investment!!

Shop Aden + Anais swaddling wraps, as seen on the new Prince of Cambridge!

Addicted to Clean Mama

Hello!  My name is Kim, and I am a Clean Mama addict.

I LOVE, love, LOVE this blog; and, I am admitting here today that, yes, I am addicted to it!   I love Becky's posts, I love her FREE printables, and I love her Etsy shop full of printables!!   In fact, I just made my first 'purchase' today of a few of her printables.  I have also used many, many of Clean Mama's free printables.  In fact, I will show you what my favorites are:

I don't know why I am so in awe of all of these bloggers and their printables, especially Clean Mama's.  I guess I secretly yearn to be the perfect housewife, mother, etc., that these blogs portray of their authors.  But, I know," everybody's human"!  These bloggers cannot be all that perfect.  Nope, they can't, but they sure paint that picture--which inspires me to follow suit!  Anyways, I print their printables, and try to use them to the best of my abilities.  I just have to keep at it for more than one week!! :)  They are so cute and colorful--it really catches the eye. 

I'll let you know how Clean Mama's printables I purchased worked out for me.  What are your favorite printables?